Controls & HMI Services

TRAX will optimize your existing control system,  providing enhancements in water usage, accuracy to demand, and improved lifespan through rough loading zone (RLZ) avoidance and reduced cycling of equipment.  

Is Your TSO Or ISO

requiring greater response and flexibility due to increased integration of variable renewable energy?
We have the solution.

The TRAX high-fidelity Digital Twin approach provides enhanced tuning and predictive capabilities.

TRAX develops custom HMIs, enabling a unique perspective into unit availability, RLZ transitions, achievable loads, and powerhouse response to demand in real time.

What are the Benefits?

Optimize water usage for reservoir levels, powerhouse discharge, and power generation

Improve response accuracy to dispatch demand

Increase lifespan of equipment by reducing cycling and transitions across RLZs

Maximize unit availability and flexibility

Provide enhanced visibility with custom HMIs

High-fidelity Digital Twin

Energy storage options

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